Important Road Regulations



1. Keep Left
The driver of a motor vehicle shall drive the vehicle as close to the left hand side of the road as may be expedient and shall allow all traffic which is proceeding in the opposite direction to pass on his right hand side.

2. Turning to left and right
The driver of a motor vehicle shall:

a) when turning to the left, drive as close as may be to the left hand side of the road from which he is making the turn and of the road which he is entering,

b) when turning to the right draw as near as may be to the centre of the road along which he is traveling and arrive as near as may be at the left hand side of the road which the driver is entering.

3. Passing to right
Except as provided in Regulation 5, the driver of a motor vehicle shall pass to the right of all traffic proceeding in the same direction as himself.

4. Passing to the left
The driver of a motor vehicle may pass to the left of a vehicle the driver of which having indicated an intention to turn to the right has drawn to the centre of the road and may pass on either side, a tram car or other vehicle running on fixed rails whether traveling in the same direction as himself or otherwise provided that in no case shall he pass a tram car at a time or in a manner likely to cause danger or inconvenience to other users of the road including persons leaving or about to enter tram cars.

5. Overtaking prohibited in certain cases
The driver of a motor vehicle shall not pass a vehicle traveling in the same direction as himself: a) if his passing is likely to cause inconvenience or danger to other traffic proceeding in any direction. b) If he is near a point, a bend or corner or a hill or other obstruction of any kind that renders the road ahead not clearly visible. c) If he knows that the driver who is following him has begun to overtake him. d) If the driver ahead of him has not signaled that he may be overtaken.

6. Overtaking not to be obstructed
The driver of a motor vehicle shall not, when being overtaken or being passed by another vehicle, increase speed or do anything in any way to prevent the other vehicle from passing him.

7. Overtaking not to be obstructed
The driver of a motor vehicle shall not, when being overtaken or being passed by another vehicle, increase speed or do anything in any way to prevent the other vehicle from passing him.

8. Caution at road junction
The driver of a motor vehicle shall slow down when approaching a road intersection, a road junction, pedestrian crossing or a road corner, and shall not enter any such intersection, junction or crossing until he has become aware that he may do so without endangering the safety of persons thereon.

9. Giving way to traffic at road junction
The driver of a motor vehicle shall, on entering a road intersection, at which traffic is not being regulated, if the road entered is a main road designated as such, give way to the vehicles proceeding along that road, and in any other case give way to all traffic approaching the intersection on his right hand.

10. Fire service vehicles and ambulance to be given free passage
Every driver shall, on the approach of a fire service vehicle or of an ambulance allow it free passage by drawing to the side of the road.

11. Right of way
The pedestrians have the right of way at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings. When any road is provided with footpath or cycle tracks specially for other traffic, except with permission of a police officer in uniform, a driver shall not drive on such footpath or track.

12. Taking 'U' turn
No driver shall take a 'U' turn where 'U' turn is specially prohibited and on busy traffic road. If a 'U' turn is allowed the driver shall show signal by hand as for a right turn, watch in the rear view mirror and turn when safe to do so.

13. Signals to be given by drivers
The following signals shall be used by the drivers of all motors vehicles namely --
a) When about to slow down, a driver shall extend his right arm with the palm downward and to the right of the vehicle and shall move the arm so extended up and down several times in such a manner that the signal can be seen by the driver of any vehicle which may be behind him.
b) When about to stop, a driver shall raise his right forearm vertically outside of and to the right of the vehicle, palm to the right.
c) When about to turn to the right or to drive to the right hand side of the road in order to pass another vehicle or for any other purpose, a driver shall extend his right arm in a horizontal position outside of and to the right of his vehicle with the palm of the hand turned to the front. d) When about to turn to the left or to drive to the left-hand side of the road, a driver shall extend high right arm and rotate it in an anti-clockwise direction.
e) When a driver wishes to indicate to the driver of a vehicle behind him that he desires that driver to overtake him he shall extend his right arm and hand horizontally outside of and to the right of the vehicle and shall swing the arm backward and forward in a semi-circular motion.

14. Direction indicator
The signals referred to in Regulation 12, may be simplified also by mechanical or electrical devices.

15. Parking of the vehicle
(1) Every driver of a motor vehicle parking on any road shall park in such a way that it does not cause or is not likely to cause danger, obstruction or undue inconvenience to other road users and if the manner of parking is indicated by any sign board or markings on the road side, he shall park his vehicle in such manner.
(2) A driver of a motor vehicle shall not park his vehicle -- (i) at or near a road crossing, a bend, top of a hill or a humpbacked bridge; (ii) on a foot-path;
(iii) near a traffic light or pedestrian cross.;
(iv) in a main road or one carrying fast traffic;
(v) opposite another parked vehicle or as obstruction to other vehicle; (vi) along side another parked vehicle;
(vii) on roads or at places or roads where there is a continuous white line with or without a broken line; (viii) near a bus stop, school or hospital entrance or blocking a traffic sign or entrance to a premises or a fire hydrant; (ix) on the wrong side of the road;
(x) where parking is prohibited;
(xi) away from the edge of the footpath.

16. Visibility of lamps and registration marks
(1) No load or other goods shall be placed on any motor vehicle so as to mask or otherwise interrupt vision of any lamp, registration mark or other mark required to be carried by or exhibited on any motor vehicle by or under the Act, unless a duplicate of the lamp or mark so marked or otherwise obscured is exhibited in the manner required by or under the Act for the exhibition of the marked or obscured lamp or mark.
(2) All registration and other marks required to be exhibited on a motor vehicle by or under the Act shall at all times be maintained in a clear and legible condition.

17. One way traffic
A driver shall not...
(i) drive a motor vehicle on roads declared 'One Way' except in the direction specified by sign boards; (ii) drive a vehicle in a reverse direction into a road designed 'One Way'.

18. Driving on channelised roads (lane traffic)
(1) Where any road is marked by lanes for movement of traffic, the driver of a motor vehicle shall drive within the lane and change the lane only after giving proper signal.
(2) Where any road is marked by a yellow-line dividing road, the vehicle proceeding in the same direction trying to overtake each other shall not cross the yellow line.

19. Stop sign on road surface
(1) When any line is painted on or inlaid into the surface of any road at the approach to the road junction or to a pedestrian crossing or otherwise, no driver shall drive a motor vehicle so that any part thereof projects beyond that line at any time when a signal to stop is being given by a Police Officer or by means of a traffic control light or by the display of any traffic sign.
(2) A line for the purpose of this regulation shall be not less than 50 millimetres in width at any part and may be either in white, black or yellow.

20. Towing
(1) No vehicle other than a mechanically disabled motor vehicle or incompletely assembled motor vehicle, a registered trailer or a side car, shall be drawn or towed by any motor vehicle, except for purposes of delivery and to the nearest filling station or garage.
(2) No motor vehicle shall be drawn or towed by any other motor vehicle unless there is in the driver's seat of the motor vehicle being drawn or towed a person holding a licence authorising him to drive the vehicle or unless the steering wheels of the motor vehicle being towed, are firmly and securely supported clear of the road surface by some crane or other device on the vehicle which is drawing or towing it.
(3) When a motor vehicle is being towed by another motor vehicle the clear distance between the rear of the front vehicle and the front of the rear vehicle shall at no time exceed five metres. The tow ropes, or chains shall be of a type easily distinguishable by other road users and there shall be clearly displayed on the rear of the vehicle being towed in black letters not less than seventy-five millimeters high and on a white background the words 'ONTOW'.
(4) No motor vehicle when towing another vehicles other than a trailer or sidecar shall be driven at a speed exceeding twenty-four kilometres per hour.

21. Use of horns and Silence Zones
A driver of a vehicle shall not...
(i) sound the horn needlessly or continuously or more than necessary to ensure safety:
(ii) sound the horn in silence zones;
(iii) make use of a cut-out by which exhaust gases are released other than through the silencer;
(iv) fit or use any multitoned horn giving an harsh, shrill, loud or alarming noise;
(v) drive a vehicle creating undue noise when in motion;
(vi) drive a vehicle with a muffler causing alarming sound.

22. Traffic sign and Traffic Police
A driver of a motor vehicle and every other person using the road shall obey...
a) every direction given, whether by signal or otherwise, by a police officer or any authorised person for the time being in-charge of the regulation of traffic;
b) any direction applicable to him and indicated on or by notice, traffic sign or signal fixed or operated by an authority, competent to do so;
c) any direction indicated by automatic signalling devices fixed at road intersections.

23. Distance from vehicles in front
The driver of a motor vehicle moving behind another vehicle shall keep at a sufficient distance from that other vehicle to avoid collision if the vehicle in front should suddenly slow down or stop.

24. Abrupt brake
No driver of a vehicle shall apply brake abruptly unless it is necessary to do so for safety reasons.

25. Vehicles going uphill to be given precedence
On mountain roads and steep roads, the driver of a motor vehicle traveling down hill shall give precedence to a vehicle going uphill wherever the road is not sufficiently wide to allow the vehicles to pass each other freely without danger, and stop the vehicle to the side of the road in order to allow any vehicle proceeding uphill to pass.

26. Obstruction of Driver
A driver of a motor vehicle shall, when passing or meeting a procession or a body of troops or police on the march or when passing workman engaged on road repair, drive at a speed not exceeding than 25 kilometres an hour.

27. Speed to be restricted
The driver of a motor vehicle shall, when passing or meeting a procession or a body of troops or police on the march or when passing workman engaged on road repair, drive at a speed not exceeding than 25 kilometers an hour.

28. Driving of tractors and goods vehicles
A driver when driving a tractor shall not carry or allow any person to be carried on tractor. A driver of goods carriage shall not carry in the driver's cabin more number of persons than that is mentioned in the registration certificate and shall not carry passengers for hire or reward.

29. Projection of loads
No person shall drive in any public place any motor vehicle which is loaded in a manner likely to cause danger to any person in such a manner that the load or any part thereof or anything extends laterally beyond the side of the body or to the front or to rear or in height beyond the permissible limit.

30. Restriction to carriage of dangerous substances
Except for the fuel and lubricants necessary for the use of the vehicle, no explosive, highly inflammable or otherwise dangerous substance, shall be carried on any public service vehicle.

31. Restriction on driving back wards
No driver of a motor vehicle shall cause the vehicle to be driven backwards without first satisfying himself that he will not thereby cause danger or undue inconvenience to any person or in any circumstances, for any greater distance or period of time than may be reasonably necessary in order to turn the vehicle round.

32. Production of documents
A person driving a vehicle...
(i) shall always carry with him his driving licence; certificate of registration; certificate of taxation and certificate of insurance of the vehicle and in case of transport vehicle the permit and fitness certificate, also,
(ii) shall on demand by police officer in uniform or an officer of the Motor Vehicle Department in uniform or any other officer authorised by the Government, produce the documents for inspection. (Provided that where any or all of the documents are not in his possession, he shall produce in person an extract or extract of the documents duly attested by any police officer or by any other officer or send it to the officer who demanded the documents, by registered post, within 15 days of the demand).

33. Every driver must be conversant with the provisions of Sections
112, 113, 121, 122, 125, 132, 134, 185, 186, 194 and 207 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988


Speed Limits in Kerala (Kerala Govt. Notification No. 196/96 dtd 3/2/1996)


Near School

(In km/hour)

In Ghat Roads

(In km/hour)

Within Corporation/ Municipality limits

(In km/hour)

In other roads

(In km/hour)

Motor Cycle





Motor Car










Light motor vehicles including motor cab





Heavy motor vehicles





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